This project includes the following
- Programming an Arduino microcontroller
- Programming an PIXAXE microcontroller
- PICAXE with an IR receiver (Sony Codes)
- PICAXE controlling an LED
- I2C between PICAXE and Arduino (Sending IR codes to the Arduino)
- Arduino controlling LEDs
- Arduino Interupt Handler for Button Press and dealing with Debouncing
- Serial Peripheral Interface Bus (SPI) communicating with the MSGEQ7
- Programming the GE 35 Color Effects Lights
- Arduino Controlling a Relay via Transistor (Used to cycle power to GE Lights for Initialization)
- Controlling Arduino software via IR remote control codes
- Setting up a Debug environment using Bit Masks
Project Parts List
- Arduino UNO - SparkFun
- MSGEQ7 - SparkFun
- MEMS Microphone (ADMP401) - SparkFun
- Power Supplies - SparkFun
- PICAXE 08M2 - SparkFun
- TSOP38238 IR Receiver Diode - SparkFun
- Protoshield KIT for Arduino R3 - Amazon
- ZX-Sound to obtain Audio Level - RoboSavvy
- Relay RSB-5-S (Had Laying around)
- Common Resistors, Capicitors, Leds, and Diode